
The Order of Thelema

     “Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” AL I 40

     “Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many and the known.” AL I 10

Order of Thelema Seal

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Caretakers of Thelema

The Caretakers of Thelema exist –
1. To publish, preserve and promulgate the writings and workings of Aleister Crowley and Marcelo Ramos Motta;
2. To promote the Order of Thelema; and
3. To supervise A∴A∴ initiation of Probationers during Periods of Speech.


Marcelo Ramos Motta, Frater Adjuvo 8º=3 A∴A∴, Frater Parzival XI° O.T.O., died in Brasil under suspicious circumstances, late in August, 1987 e.v. at the age of 56. In the interim, we, the legitimate followers of Frater Adjuvo/Parzival, have been biding our time, pursuing our own Work and Lurking in plain sight! Cf. AL iii 9 and Liber 333 Chapter 19 for some insights into the nature of this Operation.

This Magickal Gesture became necessary owing to the weakness of character and the dishonesty (to say the least!) of the “Caliphate” gang, along with the help of the U.S. “judicial system”, who perpetuate the lie that they represent true Thelemic organisations.

Those interested in the real history of the O.T.O. will know or learn that McMurtry and others sued Marcelo Motta for libel in California back in 1985 e.v. Until now most enquirers have only had the “Caliphate’s” attempts at revisionist history to describe what happened. One of our aims is to present all the evidence so that you can decide for yourself.

—-oooooo A∴ A∴ oooooo—-

Magick Without Tears Unexpurgated Commented

by Aleister Crowley and Marcelo Ramos Motta

Both Part I and Part II of Magick Without Tears Unexpurgated Commented have been recently reprinted for collectors and serious students, in small print runs. We have been faithful to the original editions by Karl Germer and Marcelo Ramos Motta and taken pains to ensure that the page-breaks remain the same, so that indexed words can be easily found. This unique collection of letters from Aleister Crowley to several of his pupils forms an extensive introduction to Magick, and the commentaries by Crowley and Motta are erudite, well-researched and informative to students at all levels of Thelemic development.

These editions are the same size as the original Oriflamme VI series and will line up flush on your bookshelf. We are making these books available trusting that our readers like their Aleister Crowley books unexpurgated and true to their author’s intentions. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of insightful commentaries by Marcelo Ramos Motta, there is an episode of the essay Intelligence Services are Not Intelligent (The History of the O.T.O. Since Crowley’s Death) and an O.T.O. News segment. There are book reviews and there is an extensive reference index, also with wise comments from MRM. These books are essential to every occultist’s library. So buy a copy now. Who knows when these books will next get reprinted.


The five-year Period of Speech of the A∴A∴ ended at Noon, Cairo Time on April 8, An. CXXI (2024 e.v.) and the A∴A∴ is no longer accepting Probationers. The next Period of Speech will begin at Noon, Cairo Time on April 8, An. CXXVI. (2029 e.v.) During this Period of Silence, Thelemic book enquiries can still be addressed to

In the meanwhile, serious students of Thelema are urged to study well the Marcelo Motta Editions of The Equinox, Volume Five and The Oriflamme, Volume Six.9


Chief Caretaker of Thelema
c/o William R. Barden
P.O. Box 35
Pascoe Vale South, VIC, 3044

Caretaker of Thelema RESIGNs

William Robert Barden with much regret finds he can no longer fulfil his role as a Caretaker of the Order of Thelema and an Instructor of Thelemic Aspirants. His handicaps drive him to the painful step of resigning this office.

Specifically, Barden resigns the Task of admission of Probationers to the authority of Frater Π, 2º=9 A∴A∴ and other Caretakers of Thelema, willing Zelators with legitimate lineage (through Marcelo Ramos Motta), and whose endeavors for the furtherance of Thelemic aims he hopes will prove more successful than his own.

As at August 20, 2018 e.v. (Anno CXV) Barden retains his role as Supervisor General of the O.T.O.. By authority of the O.T.O. Constitutional amendment of August, 1987 e.v. he hereby authorizes the Chief Caretaker of Thelema (Frater Π, 2º=9, A∴A∴) to utilise the insignia of the Order of Thelema and supervise the Caretakers of Thelema.

If Barden can be of further usefulness to the A∴A∴ in any way, he will co-operate with requests from Caretakers to the best of his limited abilities.


Many occult researchers are aware of the 1985 e.v. Californian litigation against Marcelo Motta by various American fools, several of whom were his ex-pupils. The “winners” have had their say, and arguments abound. But only very few have had the opportunity to study the other side of the story.

Not many are aware that Frater PARZIVAL XI° O.T.O. was wily enough to pay for the court stenographer’s actual records to be transcribed. He annotated them and wisely sent copies to several individuals, along with recorded depositions (audio and notarised interviews), legal findings, and various other important documents from both sides of the dispute.

Members of the O.T.O. have scrutinised all these documents carefully and in 1996 e.v., the Parzival XI° O.T.O. Foundation published “The New Court of Last Resort” as a special issue of The Journal of Thelemic Scholarship (JOTS I 5). This scholarly yet fascinating article describes the debacle in detail and condenses thousands of documents to a gripping tale of an heroic individual against the machinations of the U.S.A. plutocracy and it’s minions.

Chapter 12 of NCLR is now offered here for those interested in knowing what really happened in that California District Court back in 1985 e.v. and the facts behind the real O.T.O. succession!  For those who would like to read the entire article, a fine paperback edition of JOTS I 5 is available by writing to <>.

Rare books from the Caretakers of Thelema

At long last! Real, quality editions of the Equinox Volume Five

Distributed by the legitimate literary successors of Marcelo Ramos Motta, Karl Johannes Germer & Aleister Crowley.




The Commentaries of AL

Published in Australia in full accordance with Frater PARZIVAL's Instructions
-- thus completing the EQUINOX V set.

Recently, second-hand copies of The Commentaries of AL have appeared on eBay. One even advertised for US$1,930 (plus postage)! The Caretakers of Thelema are also selling identical copies of this edition, but in mint-condition, and it will only cost you US$175  plus 15% shipping and handling. We ship to most countries in the world.

To obtain a copy of The Equinox, Volume Five, Number One: The Commentaries of AL please send an International Money Order in the amount of US$175 (plus 15% shipping & handling equals US$201.25), paid to the order of William Robert Barden at the address below.

Write to us at <> for a full price-list, or to purchase any of our available books.



“Enjoy in good health!” (MRM)

The Oriflamme, Volume VI

The Journal of Thelemic Scholarship, Volume One




How you can help us to reprint and republish legitimate

Thelemic Books

Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.

Frater Parzival once wrote that “One true magickal or spiritual experience may enhearten a seeker for a lifetime”. The Caretakers of Thelema will continue to provide legitimate Thelemic material to serious students of Thelema.

Moving forward, the Order plans to once again publish and make available Mr. Motta’s editions of Crowley to sincere students of Thelema, and at a reasonable price. Those familiar with these Works know that they are an invaluable asset to any serious Aspirant. If you are interested in aiding our Work you are invited to correspond with us at the address above. Donations toward our publishing efforts are also welcomed! 

There is none other beside Thee in the whole Universe of Love…Liber VII vii 17

The Caretakers of Thelema do not presently have sufficient funds to reprint and republish Marcelo Motta’s EQUINOX V series nor his ORIFLAMME VI series and if you want a copy for yourself, or to see his writings spread throughout the world, then we need your help.

You can buy our available books, you can send us money, or you can offer to help to proof-read our up-and-coming publications, both online and hardcopy.

We plan to auction the last available copy of Magick Without Tears Unexpurgated Commented, Part One shortly, but we will reprint it as soon as we have sufficient funds.


Buy our books!

Write to us at <> for a full price-list, or to purchase any of our available books. Donations can be made by PayPal at the following email address —

Love is the law, love under will.


We decided to publish this web-site sooner rather than better.
It will change regularly so we recommend you visit again soon.
The next update will incorporate hyper-links to new pages as they become ready.

JOTS 1 5 Ff